Parking Obstruction

FAQ: What to Do If You Encounter a Parking Obstruction

Q: What should I do if I encounter a parking obstruction?

A: Reporting Parking Obstructions

  • The Council does not have the authority to take enforcement action against obstructive or inconsiderate parking. This responsibility lies with the police. If you encounter a parking obstruction, you should report it to Police Scotland.

Q: How do I report a parking obstruction to Police Scotland?

  • For non-emergency enquiries, you can:
  • Phone: Call 101 to report the issue.
  • Online: Use the Police Scotland Contact Form to get in touch with them for non-serious issues.

Q: What details should I provide when reporting a parking obstruction?

  • When reporting a parking obstruction, provide as much detail as possible, including:
  • The exact location of the obstruction
  • A description of the vehicle(s) involved
  • The nature of the obstruction (e.g., parking on the pavement, blocking a driveway)
  • Any relevant photos or evidence, if possible

Q: What if the parking obstruction is causing an emergency?

  • If the parking obstruction requires an immediate or emergency response, phone 999.

Q: Can the Council deal with any parking issues?

  • The Council only has the authority to deal with parking in areas where there are yellow lines or time-limited waiting restrictions (e.g., 30 minutes or 2 hours). These restrictions do not apply in residential areas. For any other parking issues, Police Scotland has the necessary powers to address them.

Q: What are examples of parking obstructions?

Examples of parking obstructions include:

  • Vehicles parked on the pavement, obstructing pedestrian access
  • Vehicles blocking driveways or entrances
  • Vehicles parked in front of fire hydrants
  • Vehicles double-parked, causing traffic disruptions
  • Vehicles obstructing designated disabled parking spaces
  • Vehicles parked too close to junctions, causing visibility issues
  • Vehicles blocking cycle lanes

Q: Contact Details for Police Scotland

  • Phone:
  • 101 for non-emergencies
  • +44 (0) 141 308 1070 if calling from outside the UK (network charges may apply)
  • Online: Police Scotland Contact Form

By reporting parking obstructions to the appropriate authorities, you help maintain safe and accessible public spaces in our community.

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