Abandoned Vehicles

FAQ: What to Do If You Encounter an Abandoned Vehicle

Q: How can I determine if a vehicle is abandoned?

A: Checking for Signs of Abandonment

  • Before reporting a vehicle as abandoned, check for the following signs:
  • Are any of the tyres flat or have any of the wheels been removed?
  • Is there litter or a lot of leaves under the vehicle, indicating that it hasn’t moved for a while?
  • Is the windscreen or any of the windows broken?
  • Does the vehicle have number plates?
  • Does the vehicle contain rubbish such as tyres or old newspapers?
  • Have any parts, like the bumper, seats, or radio, been removed or damaged?

Q: How do I report an abandoned vehicle?

To report an abandoned vehicle, use South Lanarkshire Council’s Abandoned Vehicle Report Form. You will be asked for the following information:

  • Registration number, colour, make, and model of the vehicle
  • Location of the vehicle (street and town)
  • Description of the vehicle’s condition

Q: What happens after I report an abandoned vehicle?

  • After you report an abandoned vehicle, the Council will check with the police to determine the owner of the car and whether it’s been stolen or involved in a crime. This process may take some time. However, if the vehicle is in a dangerous condition or blocking roads/driveways, it will be removed promptly. Please note that only the police have the authority to immediately tow any vehicle left in a position causing danger or obstruction.

Q: What happens to abandoned vehicles after they are reported?

  • Abandoned vehicles are taken to a vehicle pound. There is a charge for the return of a vehicle.

Q: Contact Information for Reporting Abandoned Vehicles

By reporting abandoned vehicles promptly and providing accurate information, you help ensure that abandoned vehicles are addressed efficiently, maintaining the safety and cleanliness of our community.

Commercial/Business Bins and Waste

FAQ: What to Do If You Have a Complaint About Commercial/Business Bins

Q: What should I do if I have a complaint about commercial or business bins?

A: Reporting Complaints About Commercial/Business Bins

  • If you have a complaint regarding commercial or business bins, you need to report it to Environmental Health via the Customer Services Team. Here’s how:
  1. Contact Environmental Services
  1. What to Include in Your Complaint
  • When reporting your complaint, provide as much detail as possible, such as:
    • The location of the commercial or business bins
    • The nature of the complaint (e.g., bins not being emptied, overflowing bins, unpleasant odours)
    • Any relevant photos or evidence, if possible

Q: What issues does Environmental Health handle?

  • Environmental Health deals with a wide range of issues, including:
  • Food Safety and Health and Safety at Work
  • Premises inspection and complaint and accident investigation
  • Nuisance investigation and control, including noise, pollution monitoring, and pest control
  • Dog warden services
  • Investigation and remediation of contaminated land
  • Domestic water sampling
  • Food poisoning investigation
  • Licensing of certain types of premises (e.g., houses in multiple occupation, pet shops, riding establishments)

Q: What happens after I submit my complaint?

  • After submitting your complaint through the Customer Service Enquiry Form, the Environmental Health team will investigate the issue. They will take appropriate action based on the nature of the complaint and the evidence provided.

Q: Can I follow up on my complaint?

  • Yes, you can follow up on your complaint by contacting the Environmental Health team through the contact details provided in your confirmation email after you submit the enquiry form.

By reporting issues with commercial or business bins promptly and providing detailed information, you help ensure that public health and environmental standards are maintained in our community.

Fly Tipping

FAQ: What to Do If You Spot Someone Dumping Rubbish or See a Fly-Tipping Problem

Q: What should I do if I see someone dumping rubbish or a fly-tipping problem?

A: Reporting Fly-Tipping Incidents

  • If you witness someone dumping rubbish or come across a fly-tipping site, it’s important to report it promptly to help keep our community clean and safe. You can report these incidents by completing South Lanarkshire Council’s Fly-Tipping Report Form.

Q: What information should I provide when reporting fly-tipping?

When completing the form, please provide as much detail as possible to assist the council in addressing the issue effectively. This includes:

  • The exact location of the fly-tipping site (e.g., street name, nearby landmarks)
  • A description of the rubbish that has been dumped
  • The date and time you observed the incident
  • Any information about the individuals involved, if you witnessed the dumping
  • Relevant photos of the fly-tipping, if possible

Q: What are the consequences for those caught fly-tipping?

  • Fly-tipping is a serious offence, and individuals caught dumping rubbish can face significant penalties. The council can issue fines and take legal action against offenders to prevent future incidents and maintain a clean environment.

Q: How does the council address fly-tipping issues?

Once a report is submitted, the council will investigate the fly-tipping incident. This involves:

  • Inspecting the reported site to assess the extent of the problem
  • Clearing the rubbish as soon as possible to minimise environmental impact
  • Taking measures to identify and penalise those responsible for the fly-tipping
  • Implementing strategies to prevent future occurrences in the affected area

Q: How can I help prevent fly-tipping in my community?

You can contribute to a cleaner South Lanarkshire by:

  • Reporting any instances of fly-tipping promptly using the Fly-Tipping Report Form
  • Educating others about the negative impacts of fly-tipping and the importance of proper waste disposal
  • Encouraging your neighbours and community members to dispose of rubbish responsibly
  • Organising or participating in community clean-up events to maintain public spaces

By taking these steps and reporting fly-tipping incidents, you help uphold the cleanliness and safety of our community.


FAQ: What to Do If I Find a Litter Problem

Q: What should I do if I find a litter problem in my neighbourhood?
A: If you find a litter problem in your neighbourhood, you can report it to the council. Follow these steps:

  1. Report the Litter Issue: Complete South Lanarkshire Waste and Ground Services form online form to report the issue. Provide as much information as possible, such as the exact location and the nature of the problem.
  2. Provide Detailed Information: When reporting, include details such as:
  • The specific location of the litter (e.g., street name, landmark)
  • The type of litter (e.g., bottles, cans, food wrappers)
  • Any relevant photos, if possible
  1. Encourage Responsible Behaviour: While waiting for the issue to be resolved, encourage others in your community to dispose of litter responsibly and to report any issues they see.
  2. Participate in Community Clean-Ups: Consider organising or participating in community clean-up events to help keep your neighbourhood clean.
  3. Educate Others: Spread the word about the importance of keeping our environment clean and the negative impacts of littering. Educating others can help prevent litter problems in the future.

By reporting litter issues promptly and encouraging a collective effort to keep our neighbourhoods clean, we can make a significant difference in maintaining the beauty and safety of South Lanarkshire.

Noise Disturbances or Antisocial Behaviour from Licensed Premises

FAQ: How to Report Noise Disturbances or Antisocial Behaviour from Licensed Premises

Q: How can I report noise disturbances or antisocial behaviour from licensed premises?

A: Reporting Concerns to Licensing Authorities

  • If you are experiencing noise disturbances or antisocial behaviour originating from licensed premises in Uddingston, you can report your concerns to South Lanarkshire Council.

Q: How do I make a complaint about noise disturbances or antisocial behaviour?

  • To make a complaint, you can use South Lanarkshire Council’s online form.

Q: What information should I provide when making a complaint?

  • When making a complaint, provide as much detail as possible about the nature of the noise disturbances or antisocial behaviour. Include the name and address of the licensed premises, the date and time of the incidents, and any specific details about the disturbances or behaviour observed.

Q: Will my identity be disclosed when making a complaint?

  • Your identity may be kept confidential upon request, depending on the policies of the licensing authority. However, providing your contact information can be helpful for follow-up or clarification purposes.

Q: What happens after I submit a complaint?

  • After you submit a complaint using the online form, the licensing authorities will investigate the matter. They may conduct inquiries, gather evidence, and take appropriate action in accordance with licensing regulations and procedures.

Q: Can I track the progress of my complaint?

  • While specific procedures may vary, you may inquire about the progress of your complaint with the licensing department. They should be able to provide updates on any actions taken in response to your concerns.

By reporting noise disturbances or antisocial behaviour, you contribute to maintaining a peaceful and safe environment in your community.

Parking Obstruction

FAQ: What to Do If You Encounter a Parking Obstruction

Q: What should I do if I encounter a parking obstruction?

A: Reporting Parking Obstructions

  • The Council does not have the authority to take enforcement action against obstructive or inconsiderate parking. This responsibility lies with the police. If you encounter a parking obstruction, you should report it to Police Scotland.

Q: How do I report a parking obstruction to Police Scotland?

  • For non-emergency enquiries, you can:
  • Phone: Call 101 to report the issue.
  • Online: Use the Police Scotland Contact Form to get in touch with them for non-serious issues.

Q: What details should I provide when reporting a parking obstruction?

  • When reporting a parking obstruction, provide as much detail as possible, including:
  • The exact location of the obstruction
  • A description of the vehicle(s) involved
  • The nature of the obstruction (e.g., parking on the pavement, blocking a driveway)
  • Any relevant photos or evidence, if possible

Q: What if the parking obstruction is causing an emergency?

  • If the parking obstruction requires an immediate or emergency response, phone 999.

Q: Can the Council deal with any parking issues?

  • The Council only has the authority to deal with parking in areas where there are yellow lines or time-limited waiting restrictions (e.g., 30 minutes or 2 hours). These restrictions do not apply in residential areas. For any other parking issues, Police Scotland has the necessary powers to address them.

Q: What are examples of parking obstructions?

Examples of parking obstructions include:

  • Vehicles parked on the pavement, obstructing pedestrian access
  • Vehicles blocking driveways or entrances
  • Vehicles parked in front of fire hydrants
  • Vehicles double-parked, causing traffic disruptions
  • Vehicles obstructing designated disabled parking spaces
  • Vehicles parked too close to junctions, causing visibility issues
  • Vehicles blocking cycle lanes

Q: Contact Details for Police Scotland

  • Phone:
  • 101 for non-emergencies
  • +44 (0) 141 308 1070 if calling from outside the UK (network charges may apply)
  • Online: Police Scotland Contact Form

By reporting parking obstructions to the appropriate authorities, you help maintain safe and accessible public spaces in our community.

Road and Pavement Faults

FAQ: What to Do If You Have a Problem with a Road or Pavement

Q: What should I do if I have a problem with a road or pavement?

A: Reporting Problems on Trunk Roads and Motorways

  • Trunk roads (A725, A726, and A702) and motorways (M74) are the responsibility of the Scottish Government. To report any faults on these roads, please go to the Trunk Roads and Motorways page.

A: Reporting Problems on Other Roads

  • For all other roads, please use the South Lanarkshire Council Roads Fault Form to report issues such as:
  • Defective slabs
  • Potholes
  • Footpaths or kerbs
  • Signs and street furniture (such as bollards and guardrails) that are broken or fallen over
  • Blocked road gullies
  • Overgrown hedges and other vegetation
  • Flooding
  • Defective footbridges, parapets, and guard rails
  • Traffic lights

A: Safety Inspections

  • Once a fault is reported, a safety inspection will be carried out. Inspections are typically conducted by an inspector in a slow-moving vehicle, but may also be done on foot in urban areas or by bicycle for cycle routes. During inspections, all observable defects posing any foreseeable risk to users will be recorded.

A: Defect Risk Evaluation and Categories

  • The risk of the defect is evaluated based on the likelihood and potential severity of an incident occurring due to the defect. Defects are categorised as follows:
  • Category 1: High risk to road users, requiring immediate action or making the area safe within 4 hours. Examples include major debris, exposed electrical wiring, severe carriageway defects, and significant standing water.
  • Category 2: Medium risk, requiring repair within 7 working days. Examples include rapidly deteriorating conditions, defective traffic signals, significant potholes, and other abrupt level differences likely to cause loss of control or injury.

By following these steps, you can help ensure that road and pavement issues are reported and addressed promptly, keeping our community safe.

Street Lighting

FAQ: What to Do If You Have a Street Lighting Problem

Q: What should I do if I find a problem with street lighting?

A: Reporting Emergency Street Lighting Faults

If you encounter an emergency street lighting fault, please call us immediately. Emergency faults are normally actioned within 2 hours of reporting. The contact numbers are:

  • During office hours: 0303 123 1015 (Monday to Thursday 8.45am to 4.45pm, and Friday 8.45am to 4.15pm)
  • Outwith office hours: 0800 24 20 24

Q: What types of street lighting faults are considered an emergency?

The following faults are classed as an emergency:

  • Lighting damaged by vehicles or vandalism
  • Wires exposed or broken doors on units
  • Light unit hanging
  • A section of 3 or more lamps in a row dark

Q: How do I report a non-emergency street lighting fault?

  • For non-emergency street lighting faults, please use South Lanarkshire Council’s Street Lighting Fault Form. Provide as much information as possible about the fault and its location.

Q: What information should I provide when reporting a non-emergency street lighting fault?

When completing the form, include details such as:

  • The exact location of the faulty street light (e.g., street name, nearby landmarks)
  • A description of the fault (e.g., light not working, flickering)
  • Any other relevant information that could assist in locating and identifying the problem

Q: Will I receive confirmation after reporting a non-emergency street lighting fault?

  • Yes, once your request has been submitted, you will receive an email confirmation. This email will advise that your request has been received and provide you with contact details should you have any further queries.

Q: What is the timescale for repairing non-emergency street lighting faults?

  • Please note that the current timescale for repairing dark lamps is 30 working days.

By promptly reporting street lighting faults and providing detailed information, you help ensure that street lighting issues are addressed efficiently, keeping our community well-lit and safe.

Underage Alcohol Purchasing

FAQ: How to Report Concerns About a Premises Selling Alcohol to Young People

Q: How can I report concerns about a premises selling alcohol to young people?

A: Making a Complaint About a Licence Holder

  • If you have concerns about a licensed premise selling alcohol to young people, you can make a complaint using our online form. This form can be used for complaints about all types of licences, including civil, liquor, taxi, and private hire car licences.

Q: How do I make a complaint about a licence holder?

  • To make a complaint about a licence holder, please use the Complain About a Licence Holder Form. When submitting your complaint, we will request your name and address. However, rest assured that unless you explicitly agree, these details will not be shared with the licence holder.

Q: What happens after I submit a complaint?

  • Upon receiving your complaint, we will conduct an investigation into the matter. Should the complaint progress further, such as to a suspension hearing, the licence holder will be provided with full details, including your name and address.

Q: Can I remain anonymous when making a complaint?

  • While transparency is encouraged, we understand the importance of anonymity in certain situations. Unless you opt to disclose your identity, your name and address will be kept confidential.

Q: What if I have concerns about underage alcohol sales but wish to remain unidentified?

  • If you have concerns about underage alcohol sales but prefer not to reveal your identity, you can still submit a complaint anonymously. Your anonymity will be respected throughout the investigation process, unless you indicate otherwise.

Q: Contact Information for Making a Complaint

By reporting concerns about underage alcohol sales, you play a vital role in upholding responsible alcohol retailing practices and safeguarding the welfare of young people in our community.

Where To Find Stuff

FAQ: Where is … ?

Q: Where can I find the nearest cash machine (ATM)?

A: See the LINK Cash Locator at https://www.link.co.uk/cash-locator/.

Q: Where can I find the nearest defibrillator (Defib, AED, or PAD)?

A: See the Defib Finder at https://www.defibfinder.uk/.

Q: Where can I find a map of South Lanarkshire Council Adopted Roads?

A: See the road status map at https://www.southlanarkshire.gov.uk/info/200232/roads_lighting_and_pavements/328/adopted_roads.

Q: Where can I find a map of South Lanarkshire Council gritting routes and grit bins?

A: See the gritting map at https://www.southlanarkshire.gov.uk/info/200232/roads_lighting_and_pavements/330/roads_in_winter/2.

Q: Where can I find a ‘Warm Space’ in Uddingston?

A: Warm Spaces:
St John the Baptist Church Community Café – Tuesdays, 12-4pm
Church of the Nazarene – Wednesdays, 1-4pm
Old Parish Church Community Café – Fridays 12-2pm
Uddingston Library – Mondays to Saturdays

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